Buddy Buddy 10th Anniversary Birthday Party

by Ben
(Sapporo, Japan)

Mojo House

Mojo House

October 27th Saturday is the 10th Birthday Party of Buddy Buddy. The live music is provided by “Mitch’s lil’ Brats Brass Band” with eight members that kicks off at 9pm. This party is gonna be awesome!

There will be a food and drink timetable when certain drinks and food will be 100 yen. That’s right, I did not make a typo.........100 of your Japanese yens!

100 yen Drink Timetable:

17:00 – 19:00; Sapporo Classic Beer
19:00 – 20:00; Southern Comfort shots
19:00 – 21:00; Barcardi Mojito
21:00 – 22:00; Southern Comfort shots
21:00 – 23:00; Budweiser
23:00 – 01:00; Jack Daniels

100 yen Food Timetable:

17:00 – 19:00; Deep Fried Cat Fish
19:00 – 21:00; New Orleans Style Oyster
21:00 – 23:00; Gumbo
23:00 – 01:00; Pork Rib BBQ

Venue: Buddy Buddy
Date: October 27 (Saturday)
Party time: 17:00 – last man standing
Entrance Fee: 3000 yen (with 2 drinks)

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